Essays on Architecture and City Planning

Hermann Czech belongs to the small group of architects that are equally prolific in theory and design. Over the course of six decades, he has created a much recognised body of built work and projects and also developed an architectural theory based on profound knowledge of philosophy and architectural history. His writings enable a clearer understanding of the built environment and thereby a sound basis for decisions affecting its future. Czech grapples with local and universal topics and spars with his colleague and fellow compatriot Hans Hollein. He analyses mannerism and calls attention to underestimated works of architecture. He delves as well into questions addressed by intellectuals and, like them, maintains an ambivalent relationship to modernism, and he makes a strong call to embrace reason over style. Czech also applies his profound knowledge of the works of Hegel, Kant, Wittgenstein, and Adorno to pressing architectural topics. Moreover, he recognises that architects often lack the basic framework necessary for meaningful discourse.

Author: Hermann Czech
Published: September 5,2017
ISBN: 9783038600206
£ 20.00
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Essays on Architecture and City Planning